About Me, Lorena

Hi, I’m Lorena!

I am the owner of Life Harmony Nutrition Shop, and a nutrition consultant. I work one-on-one with people near Seattle and Tacoma to help you develop and follow customized meal and nutrition plans.

I’ve been doing this for ten years and I hope to be doing it for many more. I am passionate about helping people be healthier and feel grateful every day that this is my job! I can’t wait to meet you and get you started on your wellness journey!

Empowering Lives

Mission Statement

My mission is to empower individuals to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives by providing reliable information, practical tools, and inspiration in the realm of nutrition and wellness. I believe that everyone has the potential to achieve optimal well-being through mindful food choices, balanced lifestyles, and self-care practices. By fostering knowledge, fostering a positive mindset, and promoting sustainable habits, I strive to guide individuals on a transformative journey towards improved vitality, resilience, and overall happiness. Together, let’s embark on a path of nourishment, growth, and holistic wellness.

  • Fresh Food
    Embrace the power of nature's bounty. I believe you should choose natural food when possible—fresh, unprocessed, and free from additives. I will work with you to help you choose meals that make it possible for you to keep your food both natural and convenient.
  • Various dishes
    Eating different foods is not only healthy, but more fun! I believe it's important to keep your meals diverse to make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need. My meal plans reflect this belief, and I will work with you to make sure your meals don't get too redundant or boring.
  • Health is Diverse
    I believe that "health" looks different for everyone. Not just in physical form, but mentally and spiritually as well. This is why I believe in the personal consultation: I need to hear what health looks like to YOU before I can recommend nutritional choices.

My Story

Over ten years ago, I started drinking smoothies and shakes for my own nutritional goals. My friends and family started noticing, and asking to purchase my recipes and smoothies for themselves!

I enjoyed helping them so much that I decided I wanted to turn nutrition and healthy meals into my full time business. So I did! Every day, I am amazed and grateful that my job is helping people be healthier and happier.

This business has given me the flexibility to successfully raise my children. Beyond that, it gives me joy to help the people around me.

You are what you eat
Eat healthy. Live longer.

Personal Testimony

Because I work so closely with my clients, often driving to their homes around Seattle, I get to see the impact of my work in person. The impact is not just someone reaching their weight goal or lifting milestone. It’s bigger than that.

When people are eating healthier, they have more energy, and have a clearer mental state. They are happier.

And happiness spreads. It spreads throughout that person’s whole family, and through their community–which is also my own community.

Even though I am only helping one person at a time, I believe (and have seen) that the impact is far greater.

Make an Appointment Free Consultation

Let's set up a time to chat about your nutrition goals! I will also answer your questions and get you started with recommendations. It's free with no obligation to continue working with me!

Since my services are highly personal, scheduling is personal too: simply contact me via email or phone, in English or Spanish. Please let me know your preferred date and time, and I will do my best to accommodate your schedule. I am looking forward to meeting you!

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